Life Seed; The Hebrew Israelite Metaphor There Goes The Dog-Gone Future; Me on a magic carpet surfing the Mediterranean in a privileged space near Rome The Call; Jerusalem; Bless in Paradise Aaron Bushnell Sweet Ethiopia; Oasis; Past, Present, Future; Omega Landing Virgin De Guadalupe The Cry “Congo Cobalt Blue” Running With A False Narrative; Swinging; Fight or Flight Annunciato in full 27 Sciences 1 Gate Tired of Being a N*gger; Champion of A Fowl; Crossroads red ribbons and chalk lines Thelonious Stokes’ David The Devil’s Pie; My giant self in the benevolent factor of Mother Nature, diverse on a little pink table with the whispering moan of the Sahara BIG RED SHOES; SHE LIVES THE CROSS AND THE LYNCHING TREE; BIG RED APPLE; HE LIVES “The 4Horseman”, 2023 “Pietà”, 2023 “A Love Letter from 1 Negro Angel Off Cottage Grove”, 2023 Fallen Angel Repeating Minstrel 2 Salvator Mundi Cropped Annunciato Look At Us 3 Kings, 1 Chain Repeating Minstrel 1 The Portrait of A Man Negro Angel Off 79th Street; Saint Sebastian Body Of Oshun; Spectacle 1 Christ Resurrected, Showing His Wounds, He Lives Christ on Cross; Crucifixion; Black Death Spectacle
There Goes The Dog-Gone Future; Me on a magic carpet surfing the Mediterranean in a privileged space near Rome
The Devil’s Pie; My giant self in the benevolent factor of Mother Nature, diverse on a little pink table with the whispering moan of the Sahara